Getting Started =============== This section will guide you through installing and using the ``dtcwt`` library. Installation ```````````` Installation is based on setuptools and follows the usual conventions for a Python project .. code-block:: console $ python install A minimal test suite is provided so that you may verify the code works on your system .. code-block:: console $ python nosetests This will also write test-coverage information to the ``cover/`` directory. Simple usage ```````````` Once installed, you are most likely to use one of these functions: * :py:func:`dtcwt.dtwavexfm` -- 1D DT-CWT transform. * :py:func:`dtcwt.dtwaveifm` -- Inverse 1D DT-CWT transform. * :py:func:`dtcwt.dtwavexfm2` -- 2D DT-CWT transform. * :py:func:`dtcwt.dtwaveifm2` -- Inverse 2D DT-CWT transform. * :py:func:`dtcwt.dtwavexfm3` -- 3D DT-CWT transform. * :py:func:`dtcwt.dtwaveifm3` -- Inverse 3D DT-CWT transform. See :doc:`reference` for full details on how to call these functions. We shall present some simple usage below. 1D transform ------------ This example generates two 1D random walks and demonstrates reconstructing them using the forward and inverse 1D transforms. Note that :py:func:`dtcwt.dtwavexfm` and :py:func:`dtcwt.dtwaveifm` will transform columns of an input array independently:: import numpy as np from matplotlib.pyplot import * # Generate a 300x2 array of a random walk vecs = np.cumsum(np.random.rand(300,2) - 0.5, 0) # Show input figure(1) plot(vecs) title('Input') import dtcwt # 1D transform Yl, Yh = dtcwt.dtwavexfm(vecs) # Inverse vecs_recon = dtcwt.dtwaveifm(Yl, Yh) # Show output figure(2) plot(vecs_recon) title('Output') # Show error figure(3) plot(vecs_recon - vecs) title('Reconstruction error') print('Maximum reconstruction error: {0}'.format(np.max(np.abs(vecs - vecs_recon)))) show() 2D transform ------------ Using the pylab environment (part of matplotlib) we can perform a simple example where we transform the standard 'Lena' image and show the level 2 wavelet coefficients:: # Load the Lena image from the Internet into a StringIO object from StringIO import StringIO from urllib2 import urlopen LENA_URL = '' lena_file = StringIO(urlopen(LENA_URL).read()) # Parse the lena file and rescale to be in the range (0,1] from scipy.misc import imread lena = imread(lena_file) / 255.0 from matplotlib.pyplot import * import numpy as np # Show lena on the left figure(1) imshow(lena, cmap=cm.gray, clim=(0,1)) import dtcwt # Compute two levels of dtcwt with the defaul wavelet family Yh, Yl = dtcwt.dtwavexfm2(lena, 2) # Show the absolute images for each direction in level 2. # Note that the 2nd level has index 1 since the 1st has index 0. figure(2) for slice_idx in xrange(Yl[1].shape[2]): subplot(2, 3, slice_idx) imshow(np.abs(Yl[1][:,:,slice_idx]), cmap=cm.spectral, clim=(0, 1)) # Show the phase images for each direction in level 2. figure(3) for slice_idx in xrange(Yl[1].shape[2]): subplot(2, 3, slice_idx) imshow(np.angle(Yl[1][:,:,slice_idx]), cmap=cm.hsv, clim=(-np.pi, np.pi)) show() If the library is correctly installed and you also have matplotlib installed, you should see these three figures: .. figure:: lena-1.png .. figure:: lena-2.png .. figure:: lena-3.png 3D transform ------------ In the examples below I assume you've imported pyplot and numpy and, of course, the ``dtcwt`` library itself:: import numpy as np from matplotlib.pyplot import * from dtcwt import * We can demonstrate the 3D transform by generating a 64x64x64 array which contains the image of a sphere:: GRID_SIZE = 64 SPHERE_RAD = int(0.45 * GRID_SIZE) + 0.5 grid = np.arange(-(GRID_SIZE>>1), GRID_SIZE>>1) X, Y, Z = np.meshgrid(grid, grid, grid) r = np.sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z) sphere = 0.5 + 0.5 * np.clip(SPHERE_RAD-r, -1, 1) If we look at the central slice of this image, it looks like a circle:: imshow(sphere[:,:,GRID_SIZE>>1], interpolation='none', cmap=cm.gray) .. figure:: sphere-slice.png Performing the 3 level DT-CWT with the defaul wavelet selection is easy:: Yl, Yh = dtwavexfm3(sphere, 3) The function returns the lowest level low pass image and a tuple of complex subband coefficients:: >>> print(Yl.shape) (16, 16, 16) >>> for subbands in Yh: ... print(subbands.shape) (32, 32, 32, 28) (16, 16, 16, 28) (8, 8, 8, 28) Performing the inverse transform should result in perfect reconstruction:: >>> Z = dtwaveifm3(Yl, Yh) >>> print(np.abs(Z - ellipsoid).max()) # Should be < 1e-12 8.881784197e-15 If you plot the locations of the large complex coefficients, you can see the directional sensitivity of the transform:: from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D figure(figsize=(16,16)) nplts = Yh[-1].shape[3] nrows = np.ceil(np.sqrt(nplts)) ncols = np.ceil(nplts / nrows) for idx in xrange(Yh[-1].shape[3]): C = np.abs(Yh[-1][:,:,:,idx]) ax = gcf().add_subplot(nrows, ncols, idx+1, projection='3d') ax.set_aspect('equal') x,y,z = np.nonzero(C > 2e-1) ax.scatter(x, y, z, c=C[C > 2e-1].ravel()) For a further directional sensitivity example, see :ref:`3d-directional-example`. .. figure:: 3d-complex-coeffs.png .. vim:sw=4:sts=4:et